defender of truth offered the following comment:
According to a JW I've spoken to, who overheard a private conversation between some elders, the organisation is working on setting up THEIR OWN INTERNET SERVICE. One reason given by an elder was so that the website can't be blocked. He can't give any more details, he only heard part of what was said, but he is 100% trustworthy and I know he wouldn't have made it up.
What could be another reason behind this move?
Many companies, universities, charities and governments have their own private networks. It is feasible that the Watchtower could set up a network of their own and use it to stream programs to Kingdom Halls, email and documents to elders and middle range managers (COs, Branch Overseers, Construction managers, department heads). While it would be conceivable that they could use private satellites or wired networks for that kind of private network that would make it almost impenetrable, the cost v. benefit ratio would be excessive. With new technologies appearing almost daily, it is more likely that they would simply create a more secure system using the existing Internet structure or use some form of "cloud" technology to isolate their network from the public Internet based networks. They would still have to keep on the public Internet or it would lose its potential and reach.
Creating a private network that extends to and limits access to Watchtower HQ offices, corporate entities, branch offices would make some sense (that's what banks, large corporations and governments do). On the other hand, they would have to maintain some, if not a great deal of public access in order to support their proselytizing work.
Does no good to put signs, jewelry, T-shirts, etc. everywhere for people to see and then block access to their website. What I can see is the Watchtower moving all of its archival material onto a private network or making it nearly impossible to get to without regular attendance at a Kingdom Hall or being MS or above. They could change the passwords every month (or even every day) and distribute only to a shortlist of higher ranking elders. But for what? There are "apostate spies" among elders and within HQ building everywhere around the world. They will share what they can when they can. Many of us already have contacts who are deep inside, or are friends of others who are deep inside who like to gossip or share insider info.
The real truth will always find a way to leak out and apostates and secular critics will find a way to access data and publications. Do we care what their travel budgets are, or how much markup they have on their own rental cars? Can we expect to read internal documents from their legal, service or writing departments? Not likely. But do we really need to? We can see the effects of their internal workings - we don't need to see every memo or draft to forecast the problems they will have or the doctrines they will have to change.
If it gets to elder level or below, we will get access to it...